
Is There a Need to Break the Ice?

I have seen learners’ faces cringe at the mere mention of participating in an icebreaker, and I know icebreaker activities can sometimes be awkward. So why do facilitators use them? BECAUSE THEY WORK Icebreakers allow participants to learn tidbits of personal information about each other, which makes them relax and feel closer. They begin to…

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Do You Think You’re A Good Listener?

Even if you think you are a good listener, you may want to consider some common listening blocks. Have you been chatting with a coworker, and you already “know” how the conversation is going to end? In this situation, a listener can fall into the trap of rehearsing. The listener is not interrupting the speaker.…

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You Can’t Eliminate Conflict

Many people view conflict as something that needs to be eliminated. They associate conflict with negative emotions. When individuals from different backgrounds work side by side for forty plus hours each week, disagreements are bound to occur. The good news is that conflict is neutral, and its “badness” is a result of how well it…

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Modern Workplace Collaboration

The pandemic is over, or is it? The Great Resignation marches on. Companies have experienced great turnover through employees taking early retirement and other employees accepting better positions or roles in different fields. As managers juggle new hires and staff working remotely, they are looking for tools to assist with team development and changing company…

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Employees Are Your #1 Asset

While completing my MBA, a professor of mine listed a book called The Dream Manager on his class syllabus as recommended reading. When I went to purchase the selection in the campus bookstore, it was small (only 150 pages). I consumed the book in one sitting, and its lessons have stuck with me throughout my…

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